Seth headshot

Seth D. Kornfeld
Product Design Leader

I design digital tools and spaces that help people do their jobs better and make their lives a little more delightful.

In my most recent role as Manager of Product Design at Sauce Labs, I helped shape design strategy, guided a talented team, and functioned as design lead for two product teams, all to improve a testing platform that helps developers deliver flawless web and mobile applications to their customers.

To me, design is about continuous listening, learning and collaborating cross-functionally to turn insights into intuitive solutions. I’ve developed discovery workshops that bring together stakeholders to clearly identify the problems we are trying to solve, define success, produce research plans, and always keep the user involved.

For over 20 years I have enjoyed synthesizing user needs and business objectives into successful solutions.

Outside of work, you can find me pouring over the stack of novels on my bedside table, hiking with my wife in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, tweaking a dinner recipe for family and friends, and photo documenting my two boys growing up way too quickly. I’m also a movie buff, NYT Crossword fanatic, and a compulsive organizer.